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Here's an ever growing list of irrelevant facts that no one is interested in, but nevertheless still have been added to this website by Danny himself.

- Danny Ramirez wrote his first song at some point in the afternoon or early evening of Tuesday 2 June 1998.

- He had a day off from work that day to recover from the Dynamo Open Air Festival, where he amongst others saw horrorcore act Insane Clown Posse perform. Although Danny had been familiar with ICP since 1994, in later years he began to suspect watching their show at Dynamo Open Air may have been one of the reasons he started writing his Ramirez repertoire.

- The first song was entitled I'm A Serial Killer (without an exclamation mark), which was later changed to I Would Like To Kill You!. From then on all song titles were set to have an exclamation mark at the end.

- During his career Danny also released some songs with a question mark in the title.

- The inspiration for I Would Like To Kill You! was brought to young Danny while watching an episode of the series Beverly Hills 90210, which particular one had an acoustic opening song probably by Chris Isaak. At that moment the idea of creating such an acoustic song with lyrics about murder came to Danny's perverted mind.

- Initially Danny Ramirez planned to compose and record just one song, namely I Would Like To Kill You!.

- Because back then he'd recently seen a 1960s gig by acoustic duo Simon & Garfunkel on television, Danny decided to do a recording with a 'live' feel and the audience applauding at several points during the song, like when the singing starts -- just as in the old days. To create the right atmosphere also some gunshots were added.

- The keyboard used for the Danny Ramirez recordings and audience effects is a Technics sx-KN3000.

- When he released his first 4-song tape Load Your Gun And Have Some Fun! he already had six songs recorded.

- Danny lent the surname of the infamous 1985 serial killer Richard Ramirez for his alias. He did so because then he could use the inverted pentagram on his first tape cover. This was the symbol Richard Ramirez used, or misused.

- To keep up the false appearance of being a live recording which involved several musicians, Danny thought it was a good idea to add 'and friends' to his artist name. The first tape therefore was released as 'Danny Ramirez and friends'.

- In the first months he indeed had the idea of only doing shows with a drummer and a bass player, but this was abandoned because it could harm the songs' bizarre acoustic atmospheres.

- The addition 'and friends' got dropped when Danny decided to do his first gig and released the Danny Ramirez T-shirt.

- Rumors have it that on more than one occasion different Ramirez fans have been having sex while playing the first tape.

- When one time a young lady mentioned this to Danny and Danny said 'but it's only 14 minutes!', she disappointedly replied 'yeah, I know...'.

- Danny Ramirez's first show took place when the evil singer-songwriter had been around for exactly ten months: April 2nd 1999.

- The idea to do this gig arose January 1, 1999, during a night's out with some friends (including the guy who lived at the house where the gig was to take place) at café de Albatros in Katwijk aan Zee.

- The live registration of this show was scheduled first for a tape release in the summer of 1999 and later for a late 1999 or 2000 tape release, but this didn't come to fruition either. Instead Ramirez released the live version of I Hope You Die In A Freak Accident! on the cd-rom part of Only Entertainment's final cd released in September 2001. This was a band Danny played in at the time.

- He decided to do his live gigs wearing dark sunglasses for then he didn't have to look his fans in the eyes when singing his brutal lyrics.

- Initially it was planned to name the second tape Reload Your Gun!, just like was done with Load and Reload by Metallica -- a great speed metal band from the 1980s. The title Reload Your Gun! was later given to Danny's first cd, which came out in August 2002.

- Danny was recovering from quite a bad cold and twisted innards when he performed his two gigs in December 1999.

- Danny Ramirez didn't ask to get paid for his early gigs and on one occasion (New Year's Eve 1999) even brought his own beer.

- It was this 31 December night that he was on stage most intoxicated, but managed to play his longest show thus far.

- The Danny Ramirez logo has been created in the early June 1998 days and has been copied and used for most of the artwork ever since.

- For the April 1999 Danny Ramirez T-shirts the logo and inverted pentagram were drawn at a bigger size to cover half of the front. Danny was keen to draw the same out of shape pentagram with not identical 'alpha' sections (the 'triangles' in the pentagram). The Danny Ramirez logo itself, however, is somewhat different from the one that is used for the artwork of his releases.

- Several local musicians wore the Danny Ramirez T-shirt during one of their own gigs, most of them being singers themselves.

- Danny occasionally wore the Danny Ramirez T-shirt during gigs in 1999 and 2000 as one of the guitar players for the band Only Entertainment.

- Back in the day several girls admitted to going to sleep at night wearing the Danny Ramirez T-shirt.

- Being very lazy Danny took it easy and instead of recording the songs again relied on his old recordings from 1998 when he selected the tracks for his second tape in June 1999. Only some vocals were redone.

- Danny has recorded and mixed all of his tapes at the Ramirez Recording Room, although the information on his first four tapes never was clear about this.

- The information on all seven Danny Ramirez's music cassettes (released 1998-2006) was written using an electric typewriter, namely a Smith-Corona EC 1100 from the early 1980s.

- For the covers of the first four tape releases initially white paper was used, but later on covers on coloured paper were introduced. Colours were chosen randomly and mostly depending on what free sheets of paper Danny had laid his hands on. So any given 1998-2000 tape could have been released with a white, yellow, green, orange, blue or red cover.

- It took Danny only fifteen minutes to mix the April 1999 live recording of I Hope You Die In A Freak Accident! for the cd-rom part of Only Entertainment's final cd released in September 2001.

- Underneath the lyrics on the cd-rom it is said that I Hope You Die! was written on June 4th and 5th of 1998. However this ain't true, 'cause the song actually was made on June 3rd and/or 4th of 1998. It is 100% certain that it was first recorded on June 4th. This is the recording that was used for the first tape.

- The front cover of this final Only Entertainment cd shows Danny Ramirez as he was used to perform on stage during his gigs in 1999 and most of his at the time still to come gigs in 2002 and 2003, wearing a black shirt, a black jacket and dark sunglasses. The rucksack he's carrying is just a photo shoot prop and doesn't belong to Danny nor his stage outfit. Up from January 2004 (and possibly at some live dates during the summer of 2003) Danny started playing gigs wearing a T-shirt instead of a jacket over a black flanel shirt (of course he's been wearing trousers, shoes et cetera as well all this time).

- After having done no gigs at all since December 31, 1999, Danny returned back on stage on February 22, 2002, with a acoustic nylon string guitar, whereas his three 1999 gigs were performed playing an electric guitar. For the first gig on April 2, 1999, Ramirez used a black B.C. Rich (model 'Mockingbird'), and for his gigs on December 24 and December 31, 1999, he switched to a dark red Pearl (model 'Export Standard').

- Around the time of his live come back in February 2002, the recordings for his first cd Reload Your Gun! were almost finished. Nevertheless it took until Friday 23 August 2002 before it got released.

- By August 2002 Danny already had eight new songs ready about the Life & Times of Richard 'The Night Stalker' Ramirez for a fifth tape release. In December two more were written to make the music cassette last 28 minutes. Recordings began on X-mas Day 2002.

- To release the tape took even longer than the ten months of recordings and stuff it took to release the Reload Your Gun! debut cd. The Night Stalker! (more or less) full length tape finally appeared in May 2004, almost one-and-a-half years after recordings for it had started.

- Danny thought that was way too long and decided to release his sixth music cassette On A Killing Spree! in April 2005 with recordings from late January 'till early April of the same year.

- Late March 2006 it already was time to release the seventh tape Murder Is Still A Crime!, with songs that tell people what not to do. It took a mere seven days to record this tape, mostly during the four days from 25-28 December 2005.

- Being lazy as he is, on this music cassette Danny also included a song that already got recorded in January/February 2002 and hadn't made it to his first cd, returning again to having years between recordings and release. And setting the pace for future Ramirez releases, such as his second cd.

- Contrary to the colourful 1998-2000 releases, the 2004-2006 tapes all came with a cover on gray paper that actually was paid for.

- Although used to playing live with just an acoustic guitar and vocals, on Monday June 28, 2004, a gig was done with Dennis de Meij on drums (who back then was one of the vocalists for Kru$h) at the open air stage in front of bar De Zon in Warmond as part of the Kaagweek event. The drums were probably those of Jack, since the Mad Löggers would play later that night. Dennis invited himself onto the stage a few songs into the set, but Ramirez didn't mind.

- For the movie on the Danny Ramirez dvd One Day On The Road (shot in July and August 2004, released in November 2005) the voice of Wollem was dubbed by Thuur when the spoken word recordings were done in the studio, 'cause Wollem didn't had much time to hang around and wait.

- Because the dvd was not released by Ramirez himself, there is no exclamation mark in the title.

- Danny's second cd Misanthropicus Fanaticus! contains two songs that were recorded as early as March 2005. During 2005 the On A Killing Spree! music cassette and the One Day On The Road dvd were set for release, and Danny thought those were enough for the year and halted the recordings for his second cd. One-and-a-half year later Ramirez continued working on it and in December 2006 most recordings were done. Misanthropicus Fanaticus! finally got released on Monday 21 May 2007 after intensive mixing and mastering sessions which took place at the Muziekhuis studio in Leiden.

- Since then Danny never has been in a professional mixing studio again, and decided to download free audio recording software from the internet so he could create a digital mix in the private space of his Ramirez Recording Room.

- Ramirez also did the mixing himself for his seven 1998-2006 music cassette releases, but used a second music cassette and a JVC KD-A2 cassette deck from the late 1970s to record the final mix.

- After Initially having done just two live dates in early June 2007 for Misanthropicus Fanaticus!, at the end of the year Danny felt the need to start doing more gigs in order to promote the cd. This resulted in the Misanthropic Winter! Tour from mid February to early March of 2008, playing one gig each weekend, three weekends in a row -- which for many years stood as Danny's most relentless tour schedule, only to be rivaled by the similar relentlessness of the autumn dates of his Outsider! Tour in 2017 and finally surpassed with 5 shows in 10 days during his Poison! Tour in October 2023!

- The first result of Danny's new found digital mixing abilities was his third cd In Concert And Intoxicated!, which got released on Saturday 8 August 2009 through THC productions.

- Because Danny still played quite some songs from the early days live, for In Concert And Intoxicated! he decided on a track listing consisting of five new titles and five classic Ramirez hits recorded at gigs from August 2004 until March 2009.

- With a release of only about five copies the In Concert And Intoxicated! cd sold out within a few weeks, if not a few months.

- Lee Rascal, who produced this cd for THC, is a fictional person that got conceived by Ramirez on July 30, 2009. Throughout his career Danny has worked with a few other fictional characters related to THC, namely producers Alan Smithee and Thomas Lee, who are mentioned on The Night Stalker! music cassette from May 2004.

- Danny took the names Alan Smithee and Thomas Lee from the movie industry. 'Alan Smithee' was in use between 1968 and 2000 among directors of the Directors Guild of America when they weren't satisfied with the end result because of the lack of creative control over a film they had directed. The pseudonym 'Thomas Lee' was used only once, by director Walter Hill for the 2000 sci-fi movie Supernova.

- In August 2011 Ramirez announced on his website that he was working on his soon to be released and as yet untitled fourth full-length cd, but late October he got distracted by the upcoming X-mas season and in November released his online EP X-mas Time With Danny Ramirez! instead.

- On this and the other websites where his 2011 X-mas EP is mentioned, Ramirez uses the title X-mas Time With Danny Ramirez!. However, on the EP's cover the exclamation mark ('!') is missing. The reason for this is that on the cover the Danny Ramirez logo is part of the title, which would make an exclamation mark look out of place. Because of this, X-mas Time With Danny Ramirez! is the only Ramirez EP without an exclamation mark in the title on the cover. It has to be mentioned that his 2004 dvd One Day On The Road also lacks an exclamation mark in the title on its cover. However, because the dvd was not released by Danny himself, for his websites Ramirez decided to mention the title as it is and didn't add an exclamation mark.

- Early 2012 Danny Ramirez performed his final gigs with an instrumental backing instead of playing his acoustic guitar. He had made the change to being a solo singer singing along with the instrumental versions of his songs in March 2009 at the instigation of Paul Zwetsloot for the Tegendraads Festival he was organizing on April 4, on which he asked Danny to perform in the smoking area.

- Although at first Ramirez wasn't too eager to play live without his guitar, a few days later he saw the advantages of having one hand free to hold a beer or what ever else he wanted.

- Danny's tenure of doing instrumental backing gigs exclusively lasted from April 4, 2009, until March 30, 2012, doing 19 shows. During those years Ramirez also played two acoustic garden party gigs.

- On June 1, 2012, Danny's fans were delighted to witness him play his first proper acoustic guitar gig since May 31, 2008. Ramirez's final acoustic guitar performance before the April 2009 change to singing along with an instrumental backing took place on March 12, 2009, in Reims (France -- which was the first Ramirez gig since May 31, 2008), and apart from Toner Low band members there were only French people there.

- At a gig on August 24, 2012, Ramirez again used the electric B.C. Rich guitar that he played at his first gig on April 2, 1999, and discovered during the show that its untunable nature -- which especially shows while playing it without a distortion pedal -- was the reason why 13 years earlier he had decided to use a Pearl guitar for his two December 1999 gigs. With only five songs the August 2012 setlist was one of his shortest live performances.

- With Ramirez focusing on doing acoustic guitar gigs in the second half of 2012 (except for the above mentioned electric one), he forgot about the recordings for his fourth cd altogether.

- However, in October Danny got a request to send in a track for a Sinterklaas online compilation. This became the only Ramirez song with Dutch lyrics, as well as the first Ramirez song with an accompanying electric guitar throughout the entire tune. He would repeat this last feat on a song for his Poison To The People! online release from August 2023.

- Because throughout 2013 and 2014 Danny did about 60 gigs with the doom stoner band Toner Low he plays in as well as some with the necro black metal band Slaughter Towen and with the temporarily reformed Only Entertainment, during this period Ramirez himself performed live only once a year.

- For his sole 2014 gig Ramirez again used an instrumental backing of his songs. His most recent performances without a guitar took place in June 2016 and December 2017 -- with the latter being a spontaneous one in the middle of the night, consisting of just two songs.

- Apart from forgetting about his fourth full-length cd and hardly doing any gigs, Danny almost forgot to write Ramirez songs as well. In both 2013 and 2014 it took him up to the evening of December 31 to start composing his first and only Ramirez tune for the year.

- The main reason for Danny's little to no output during 2012-2015 considering new studio recordings was the fact that he wasn't sure if he wanted to go through all the hassles of making a new physical cd. Eventually he decided to release his future stuff on the internet.

- While working on his comeback online EP Back With A Dungeon! in August 2016, Danny wondered why he hadn't released the songs earlier because the recordings were as good as finished, although most vocals had to be redone and some lead guitar still had to be added. One song was rerecorded completely.

- Contrary to Ramirez's November 2012 Sinterklaas online compilation song, the songs for Back With A Dungeon! were recorded on tape first and digitalized aferwards instead of recorded directly to digital audio format.

- The same recording and mixing process was used for his summer 2017 release.

- Danny titled his July 2017 online release Outlawed Outsider! as such, because in October 2016 he added the tag 'outsider music' to the Ramirez internet pages and in May or June 2017 thought the term 'outsider' therefore should be in the EP's title.

- For the front cover he was keen to use a Danny Ramirez photo taken outside. In addition, all of the lyrics on Outlawed Outsider! involve outside activity in one way or another.

- Ramirez's February 2018 online release All Cops Are Busy! came about 'cause in spring 2017 he realized cops played a role in quite some of his then most recent songs. So he decided to write two more to put out a cop-themed release.

- As with his 2016 and 2017 online releases the tracks for the All Cops Are Busy! EP were recorded on tape first and later digitalized using music editor software. However, some lead parts, accompanying instrument sounds and vocals were recorded directly to the editor program.

- The two songs for Danny's December 2018 X-mas single Season's Shootings! were completely recorded digitally, something that would be the case with all Ramirez recordings to come.

- The arrest of Santa Claus as shown on the cover of the X-mas release was taken from a news website and actually happened around November 28, 2018, in Florida.

- When in late 2018 or early 2019 Danny noticed that some of his recently written songs had lyrics about corpses, he decided to put them all on one Bandcamp online release that in late April (two weeks before recordings started) got titled Corpses In My Closet!.

- The title Corpses In My Closet! is the more or less literal English translation of the Dutch saying for 'skeletons in my closet'. Danny came up with the title on April 27, 2019, and was partly inspired by a comment Dutch soccer coach Frank de Boer made in January 2019 when during an English spoken press conference for US soccer club Atlanta United he noted that 'in Holland we say there comes a dead body in the closet'.

- Thanks to the overall sound, vocal and guitar performances and the way the additional instruments complement the songs Danny himself considers the Corpses In My Closet! online EP one of his best releases.

- The 'Fender pick from 1983' that Danny uses for his studio recordings since the November 2011 online EP X-mas Time With Danny Ramirez! and is referred to in the information of this and Ramirez's subsequent releases in the discography page on this website, originally belonged to 1983-1985 Highway Chile guitarist Ronald Bakker. Young Danny received the pick from the guitarist on November 11, 1983, at the Stadsgehoorzaal in Leiden, shortly after Highway Chile had finished their set opening for the Michael Schenker Group.

- Danny wrote and subsequently recorded the three songs for The Corona Conspiracy! EP when by early April 2020 he had recovered enough from a two weeks headache that started in mid March, around two days after he had came within about two meters of an unexpected woman that quickly left a store to go do some coughing outside. Danny's headache re-appeared on and off until somewhere in the first week of May.

- Unlike the rest of the Danny Ramirez discography, The Corona Conspiracy! EP has very elaborated artwork as its cover. The reason being, that contrary to the earlier releases Danny decided to use a drawing of the covid virus that he found on some news website instead of creating something himself or using a picture of himself. Because this virus drawing only showed in the listing of the news headlines on the front page and not with the actual news article, a screenshot was made. The Eye of Providence symbol was taken from another site and c&p'd into the virus drawing. The original artists of the combined cover artwork are unknown.

- Although the cover idea for The Corona Conspiracy! was pretty clear from the start, the one for Danny's June 2021 Person Of Interest! online EP changed two times. At first an old picture of himself was considered, and later on an obscure video still from a guy with an axe who was unknowingly (by the filmer) caught on film while filming aboard a supposedly abandoned docked ship. Eventually the choice was made to use one of the final CCTV-images of Iwona Wieczorek who disappeared in July 2010 in Gdańsk, Poland, and never was seen again. The man walking behind her hasn't come forth to this day and remains a person of interest. In order to depict the Danny Ramirez logo on the left side, the image was reversed.

- Because of the cover image for the Person Of Interest! online EP, Danny decided to add the cover song Thirteen (recorded in the 1990s by Johnny Cash for his American Recordings) to the set lists for the 2021 gigs following the release. The reason for this was that the song was written by Glenn Danzig, and Danzig is the German name for the Polish city of Gdańsk. Ramirez had played Thirteen before at some gigs during his Outsider! Tour in October and November 2017.

- Danny's September 2022 online EP Highway Of Tears! was actually planned for an October 2020 release, with the first recordings taking place in early September 2020. It got postponed because it wouldn't be possible to play some gigs to support it, secondly because Ramirez already had released his unexpected corona EP a few months before and thirdly because there were some older songs that he decided to record first -- those eventually became the June 2021 Person Of Interest! EP.

- About two weeks before the Autumn Of Tears! Tour started Danny decided to remove his long time closing song I Hope You Die I A Freak Accident! -- which appeared on his July 1998 debut tape -- from the set list and replace it with I Mourn For Your Life And I Mourn For Mine! from the December 2000 Songs About Death In A-minor! tape. The main reason for this change was that Freak Accident! didn't really fit the more serious nature of the Highway of Tears theme. Also, by September 2022 Danny had played Freak Accident! live almost 110 times and 'had enough of it' (subtle reference to a line in the song).

- A year later Freak Accident! returned on the set lists for some dates of the Poison! Tour, which was done after the release of the August 2023 online EP Poison To The People! -- with songs about Goeie Mie, the 1880s serial killer from Leiden who poisoned her victims with arsenic.

- The Poison! Tour began on September 9, the day on which Goeie Mie was born in 1839.

- For the Ramirez logo and the title on the cover for the Poison To The People! EP Danny used the color Paris green (HTML code: #50C878). This was an arsenic based pigment that is also known as Schweinfurt green, Vienna green and Veronese green, and during the 19th century was popular among French impressionist painters because of its brilliant color. The green pigment consisted of the chemical components copper(II) acetate and arsenic trioxide, and was highly toxic. Around 1867 people began using it as an insecticide, making it the first chemical insecticide in the world. The poisonous mixture was also used to kill rats living in the Parisian sewer system, which appears to be the reason it got the name Paris green.

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