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Born: June 2nd, 1998

Astrological sign: Gemini

Place of Birth: classified

Country: the Netherlands

Hobbies: writing and recording Danny Ramirez songs

Profession: making a living

Favourite animal: the very Great Squid

Favourite color: all colors, ergo: black

Favourite country: Holland

Favourite book: English-Dutch dictionary

Favourite music: Metal and everything that Rocks Hard, but ev'ry now and then some other stuff

Bands Danny Ramirez was/is in:
Slaughter Towen (on guitar in live line-up, necro black metal, July 2010-December 2013) (biography) (info on Metal Archives) (YouTube video) * Spijkers (on guitar, garage punk, February 2008-December 2008) (biography) (play demo track) * Owen Meany (on guitar, rock, December 2007-January 2008) (biography) * Circle Of Trust (on attempted vocals, rock/metal, July-August 2006) (biography) * The Mad Löggers (on guitar, mad rock, April 2001-November 2006) (biography) (YouTube video) * Toner Low (on guitar, stoner doom, since March 1998) (biography) (Bandcamp) * Only Entertainment (on guitar, classic hits on punkrock, April 1994-September 2001/August-October 2014) (on bass, October-December 1997) (biography) (documentary on YouTube) * The Peace Brother Dudes (on guitar, instrumental improvised jam rock, October 1993-February 1994) (biography) * Only Entertainment (first incarnation with two Only Entertainment 1994-2001 members) (on guitar, Bad Religion covers, spring or summer 1992) (biography) * nameless band (on guitar, hardcore, January-March 1992) (biography) * At Large (on bass, punkcovers, September-November 1991) (biography) * De Meiyvogels (on vocals, rock with Dutch lyrics, October-December 1990) (biography) * Eternal Nightmare (on guitar, thrash metal, December 1988-December 1992) (biography) (info on Metal Archives) * The Titfaces (on guitar, titcore, August 1988-April 1999) (biography) * Witness (on bass, thrash metal, October-December 1987) (biography) * Lunacy (on guitar, thrash metal, April 1987-November 1988) (biography) * Necromancer (on guitar, thrash metal, January 1987-March 1987) (biography) * Chimaera (on guitar, melodic speed/thrash metal, October 1985-March 1987) (biography) * Red Blaze (on guitar, speed metal, March 1984-September 1985) (biography)

Projects Danny Ramirez was/is in:
The Darkthrones (one-man band, Darkthrone tracks on instrumental 1960s surf, April-November 2018/November 2022-January 2023 -- crosses over with The Surfdales) (YouTube video 1) (YouTube video 2) * The Surfdales (one-man band, instrumental surf tunes, since July 2012) (biography) (Bandcamp) * The Given Time (one-man band, obscure 1960s garage rock, February 2008/September 2011-March 2012) (biography) * Dusty Swamp (one-man band, southern rock, May-August 2005) (biography) * Potrocker (one-man band, doomy drug-fueled black metal, December 2003-May 2005/reactivated since September 2018) (biography) (Bandcamp) * Stormtroopers Of X-mas Lovers' Entertainment (on guitar, X-mas-songs on metal, December 1999) (biography) * DeathCult (one-man band, misanthropic black metal, October 1999-October 2001) (biography) * Chupacabra (on keys, jungle/triphop tracks, October 1999) (biography) * DeathCult666 (on keys and vocals, industrial black metal terror from Hell, June 1998-October 1999) (biography) * The Easy Tune Faces (on keys, The Titfaces on Hammond, April-May 1998) (biography) * Midnight Moon (on keys, dungeon synth, February-October 1998) (biography) * Lóndrangar (on keys, dungeon synth, October 1997-January 1998/reactivated since September 2020) (biography) (Bandcamp) * Thule (on keys, dungeon synth, August 1997-October 2000) (biography) * Civitas Diaboli (one-man band, chaotic black metal, March-September 1997) (biography) * Night Hymns (one-man band, melodic black metal, December 1996-April 2000) (biography) * Surfing Elvis & The Killer Waves (on leadguitar, Elvis on instrumental surf, October-November 1995) (biography)

Most of these projects either played live once or made a private recording of at least one song. However, some released an online full-length, YouTube video or tape, or appeared on a compilation cd:

- December 19, 2023, the x-mas songs on surf compilation album Twang X-mas Party was released by UK-based surf label Sharawaji Records, on which Danny Ramirez and his Surfdales are featured with an instrumental surf rendition of Eenzame Kerst (André Hazes). Click somewhere in this text to watch the YouTube video.

- June 6, 2022, a Potrocker song got released on the Bandcamp compilation Howls Into The Void by Czech label Owlripper Recordings. Listen to or downloaded by clicking somewhere in this text.

- February 26, 2022, Potrocker released its second full-length Hashishatan through Bandcamp, which can be listened to or downloaded by clicking somewhere in this text. Watch video on YouTube.

- Lóndrangar released a self-titled full-length that got posted on Bandcamp on January 30, 2021, and can be listened to or downloaded by clicking somewhere in this text.

- Potrocker posted its debut full-length Stoned Elite Underground on Danny's Bandcamp on March 16, 2019. Listen or download by clicking somewhere in this text.

- The Darkthrones is an obscure YouTube phenomenon of people recording Darkthrone songs as instrumental Trve Kvlt surf music. November 19, 2018, Danny posted his surf version of Darkthrone's To Walk The Infernal Fields on YouTube under the title To Surf The Infernal Seas. On November 22, 2022, and again on June 6, 2023, the song got played on the radio show Freewheelin' (WQUD 107.7 Vintage Radio, based in Erie, Illinois, USA). Click to watch and listen the YouTube video.
When during summer 2022 the video for To Surf The Infernal Seas suddenly got thousands of extra views Danny decided to record an instrumental surf version of a second Darkthrone song. January 21, 2023, Surf's Up I Dype Skogen (original title: En Ås I Dype Skogen) got uploaded to YouTube. Click to watch and listen the YouTube video.

- The Surfdales released a self-titled full-length that got posted at Danny's Bandcamp on May 24, 2018, and can be listened to or downloaded by clicking somewhere in this text. Click this line to listen on YouTube. The Surfdales are also mentioned as the recording artists in the video descriptions for the Darkthrone surf interpretations Danny releases on YouTube. To be more precise: the information under these videos mentions 'Danny Ramirez and his Surfdales', a nod to Dick Dale and his Deltones.

- DeathCult666 released a song on the Bulb Area 51 V 2.0 compilation cd released by New Darkness Recordings (Hillegom, the Netherlands) in October 1999.

- Midnight Moon did a 5 song music cassette release of about 3 copies, August 1998.

- The Easy Tune Faces did a 6 song music cassette release of 10-15 copies, May 1998.

- Civitas Diaboli did a 3 song music cassette release of 5 copies, September 1997 (which got recorded at M123 Studio in Leiden, the Netherlands, with Deef at the mixing desk).

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